Our first stop is the Czech Republic, and we will stay a few days in Prague. Our first concert is Saturday evening at 5:00pm in the Monastery of St John under the Cliff, which is located in the Beroun, about an hour west of Prague. This is very exciting for me, as my cousin from Minsk is going to come and visit us in Prague. Before two years ago, neither of us knew that the other even existed, but thanks to the wonders of the internet (and a bit of detective work) we were able to make contact. It turns out that we both have artifacts in our possession from the same great uncle who went down with his ship in the Baltic Sea in 1919!
Then on to Salzburg, Austria and a joint concert on Monday the 19th at 8:00pm in the Parish Church of Faistenau with the church choir.
Our tour continues to Venice, Italy, and two days later, on the 21st, we sing at 9:00pm in Chiesa S. M. dei Miracoli. Then on to Florence for a couple of days and a concert on Friday the 23rd at 9 PM in the Chiesa San Stefano al Ponte. That refers to the Ponte Vecchio. My daughter will come to hear us there - she is studying intensive Italian in Florence this month! Due to a large convention, we were unable to find accommodations in Florence itself, so we will be staying in the nearby resort town of Montecatini Termi.
Our final stop on the tour is Rome, and we will be singing a mass at 5 PM on Sunday, the 25th in the Chiesa S. Maria dei Miracoli. It is one of the twin churches on the southern end of the Piazza del Popolo (the one on the right!)
My wife and I will stay on another week in central Italy, with a home base in an Agritourismo farmhouse in Monteleone di Spoleto, and then will spend our last three days back in Rome.