Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Bounce

My PSA has gone up again, to about 1.8 (after a low in December 2007 of about 0.8). This seems to be a bounce. The doctors are telling me that this is unusual, and they are not sure what to make of it. If it goes over 2.0, they may want to do another biopsy. However, what I've read on the internet indicates that this is not uncommon. In any event, it is disconcerting.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Carmel Bach Festival!

It's that time of year again, and we are coming to the end of our first week of intensive rehearsals. The professional chorale members are terrific, as usual, and it is a joy to renew friendships with them and the instrumentalists. Each of the performers has a separate page, including the members (such as I) of the volunteer chorus. Here's mine!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

He's a doctor!

Well, almost. Our son Derek's dissertation was just accepted by the powers that be at Princeton. Only thing left is the defense!


Third time is the charm!

I have been trying to meet with a student to tutor him in reading this week. This is an assignment for the class in teaching reading I am taking for my teaching credential. The first two times he did not come as he was feeling poorly - I am hopeful that today it will finally happen!