Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tempis fugit...

Here we are at the end of October! Time just whizzes by, that's for sure. Several news items to report. First, I've been doing a long term sub for the local high school music teacher. It has been great fun being able to do the band and orchestra there. There is also a music technology class that is pretty cool, involving software packages like Garage Band and Sibelius. The rest of the assignment involves teaching beginning instruments (flute, clarinet, trumpet, low brass, high strings and low strings) to 5th graders at the two local elementary schools. It has been exhausting, but a wonderful experience. This coming week will be the last for that assignment.

I'm into a new term of the teaching credential program at Brandman University (nee Chapman), and am taking two courses. This is very time consuming, so I suspect I will be working a bit less on the substitute circuit for the next 9 weeks.

In music news, the choir at the Lutheran church is no more due to financial considerations, so my tenure there has ended. It's a shame, but times are hard. I am confident they will pull through and restart the program when they can.
On the positive side, that frees up Christmas for me, so we will be able to visit Derek and Seren in Hong Kong over winter break!

The Camerata Singers are putting together a wonderful program for the winter concert, and we are really enjoying the experience.

Lastly, we went to visit uncle Trevor and Faina in Maui last week. It was wonderful to see them, and to enjoy the various activities and sights that the valley isle has to offer. It is always hard to come home after that!