Sunday, August 02, 2009

It was fun while it lasted!

The Carmel Bach Festival wrapped last night with the Best of the Fest, followed by two very nice parties. Hard to believe it is over already! We had a wonderful time renewing old friendships and making new ones. Genuinely nice people, all.

I am constantly reminded of what a small world this is. One of the new chorale singers has a middle name that is the same as the last night of a woman who was in Quad (an eating club) with me at Princeton. Turns out she is his aunt! He texted her with a snapshot of me, and she responded directly saying "of course I remember him!" It was a gratifying moment.

Another such moment happened this morning, when another one of the chorale members sang at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Paul graciously agreed to sing my Sanctus Romanesca with me. I made an arrangement for two bari Suchtones and organ from the original SATB a cappella version. It was received very well by all and sundry. Such a wonderful opportunity to perform with such an incredible musician. I'm still on cloud 9!

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