Hard to believe, but it is time for the Carmel Bach Festival once more. This is a bittersweet year, as Maestro Bruno Weil departs after 19 years at the helm, along with several other marvelous people. They will certainly be missed. However, it is wonderful to see all of our old friends as they take refuge from the heat of their home turf in this foggy utopia! This is really a nice group of people, and I look forward to making music with them for the next several weeks.
Elaine and I are especially honored to be participating in an adjunct concert this weekend by the group Bernardus. Countertenor Jay White and vielle player Craig Resta will be performing a selection of medieval love songs from the troubadours at St Mary's in Pacific Grove. Elaine and I will be doing selected readings as part of that presentation. It is looking to be a real treat! Come if you can - it will be at 7:30 pm, and entrance can be had for a free will offering. Can't beat that!

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