Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Never speak too soon!

After that glowing report, of course she had to fall down on Thursday and banged the heck out of her left knee. It was swollen up like a grapefruit and very discolored. We put ice on it, and the next morning it seemed to be better. However, against my suggestion, she decided to walk into town. By late afternoon it looked terrible again. I took her to the emergency room Saturday morning, and what do you know - nothing broken! The swelling was an accumulation of viscous blood from a small broken vein, which was too thick to be aspirated. The doctor even said that walking on it was a good idea, as it will help the blood reabsorb. He estimated that it would look bad for a couple of months, but basically she is fine.

I don't think she has ever broken a bone in her life!

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