Saturday, December 16, 2006

One down, two to go...

Our concert last night was quite successful. There was a good turnout, and the audience was quite enthusiastic. There's nothing quite like the feeling of being able to share the gift of music with a live audience, especially when it involves singing. There is no middleman - the communication between performer and listener is unimpeded. It is a very vulnerable thing to do, and as a result the connection from heart to heart is palpable.

My daughter was visiting from grad school this last week, and I took her to my voice teacher for a lesson. She had never had one before, but has a lot of natural ability. The first thing my teacher asked was "why do you like to sing?" She pointed out that the question included the answer (the Linguistics major in her coming through). He thought about that for a second and decided she was right, and changed it to "why do you sing?" Her answer - as it probably is for most of us - was "because I enjoy it."

That is what it all comes down to - singing makes us feel good. That feeling translates into that certain "je ne sais quois" in a live performance, and it is picked up by the audience. It is a wonderful way to spend the evening, and makes it worth getting into the tuxedo!

We give the concert again this evening and tomorrow afternoon.

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