Thursday, August 23, 2007


Doing better today. I had to wear a catheter the first night, and that wasn't fun. It was so uncomfortable that the only place I could sleep was in a reclining chair. Luckily, that worked pretty well.

The nurse told me to call the doctor's office in the morning to see if it could be removed. Even though I called right when the office opened, the medical assistant thought it might be too late for that day. She called the doctor (who was in his Hollister office) and he gave her the go ahead, but it had to be right away.

This was, of course, the first day of school where my wife teaches. Luckily, the principal is very sympathetic, being a prostate cancer survivor himself, and took over her class so she could leave immediately and take me to the doctor's office. It was very efficient, and she only missed the one class.

What a trouper - I feel incredibly blessed.

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