Thursday, May 31, 2007

Make that x 3!

Sunday was the big day. John graciously provided me with a digital projector and portable DVD player for the occasion, and we even went out and bought some wireless amplified speakers so that the sound would be good. His church provided us with an old screen, and so we were set. My wife and I attended the Episcopal service at St. Matthew's in Pennington, and then drove down to Trenton.

The dinner was a lot of fun, and I talked with scads of people (and probable relations!) My presentation went well, and lots of the folks want copies of the DVD. The mayor of Hamilton Square was present, as was a Freeholder (county supervisor) of Mercer County, both of whom have Monteleone roots. There was lots of memorabilia around, including layoff notices from Roebling Steel for some of the former members. The interesting thing about those notices was that there was an actual category for describing the person's nose! Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black, Nose: Roman. I wonder what the other categories would have been...

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